Prolonged CPR is a required treatment to work alongside medication when able to reverse the cause of a cardiac arrest, this procedure can take up to 90 minutes.

Pilgrim Hospital have one LUCAS machine which is located in A+E. If the machine has been or is in use, the ward CPR will be carried out manually by the resuscitation and ward team. During this time the staff become fatigued, so the patient and staff are not at the safest they can be.

CCOT are the 24/7 team who attend every cardiac arrest. This team would like to provide the safest care to the patient, and staff who support. The aim is to purchase a LUCAS machine which will be stored with CCOT and used in prolonged CPR within the hospital.
A team of 20 volunteers aim to raise funds by carrying out a 12 hour none stop session of CPR, on 26/04/2024, in the outpatients department, from 8am-8pm. All support and donations welcomed.

Hayley Head